Speaking about Koha at Online Information Olympia

In conjunction with Library Coop, we will be speaking about how libraries can benefit from free software.  The presentation will focus on Koha, citing examples from a range of libraries.  Come along and ask your questions. The presentation is in Theatre 1 at 1430.

Here is a picture from the excellent talk by professor Hazel Hall, in which she outlined the informative results of her research.


Update… The talk went well. It was wonderful to see how many delegates were interested in free software. I have been giving free software advocacy presentations for many years, and I always ask for people to give a show of hands. I want to know how many people have heard of free software and how many people use it. Five years ago there was usually a tiny proportion of FOSS users, and I am really pleased to see that now the majority of people in our audience seem to use some free software.


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