I thought that Koha: Users and Developers of Open Source (KUDOS) and Koha Libre Association (KohaLA) were both Koha Interest Groups, but Nicole’s post about ALA Midwinter makes me think I’ve got it wrong:
“KUDOS (KOHA Users and Developers of Open Source) Meeting. NOTE: This is for users of Koha only. Libraries who are interested in Koha, but have not yet signed a contract with a support provider or implemented Koha on their own, should attend the Koha Interest Group Meeting– see below.”
So what’s an interest group? Why would we want to keep current users and interested people apart? I think current users are our most honest advocates.
How do other free software projects structure their community? I’m familiar with LUGs and drupal groups, but haven’t really got involved with much else yet. Do the names confuse you too?