Do you think Directgov Delivers?

Directgov is the Government’s official website for the general public. As both a member of the public and a parish councillor, I use it fairly often to look things up. Sometimes it’s surprisingly good, but much of the time, it’s a frustrating page-hunt and leaves me going around in circles, or directs me off to irrelevant pages on other ukgov websites.

Consumer Focus has done a bit of testing and produced a discussion paper posted as a blog which they’re inviting people to comment on, to sign up for possible workshops and to keep in touch with their campaign for improvement. Open source service improvement?

I think both and might have something to contribute, as member-led communications co-ops, so I’ll see how I can promote it to them.

I’ll also be watching with interest and see if I can find some lessons to be learned for the NSomersetLINk trying to get involved with local health and social information services.

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