This is a continuation from part 1 but can be enjoyed on its own too, like a good red wine. It’s a bit early for me for red wine, though.
- May
- BBC TV: Click: Free=beer and facebook-flaming – my letter was never broadcast, as far as I know
- Fuel Price Bleating and Biking – one of the last non-work articles to appear before I split them off into their own page last summer.
- Told You So: Exhibitions and Spammer Registrars and Quick Question: = – these were about similar topics and I may have new developments to report early in 2009.
- June
- BBC website, TV and Technology – some background comments on the BBC as they try to figure out what to do with new media. Auntie is a bit clueless about new things.
- 7 Reasons Why Firefox 3 Download Day Sucks – the big news for web development was a new major version of the almost-free-software web browser. It’s a big improvement on version 2, but still had some “brown paper bag” mistakes and the “download day” marketing idea put clueless news media (see previous item) before users. Continued in FF3 day 3: first impressions, FF3 day 6: security flaw and banks and FF3 day 10: security flaw 2, more banks, looking for a new browser.
- July
- Standing for Election to SPI Board Again – my most popular page ever, by number of page views anyway. It was spammed to hell so often that comments are now switched off. I suspect the US Election had more to do the popularity of this article than my unsuccessful candidature for the Software in the Public Interest board.
- Batting Against Three Strikes through the Back Door – I’m a member and ambassador for ThePhoneCoop and TTLLP are agents/resellers for them, so this misguided EU law-making was worth some of my time. Writing about it here got me a response from Neil Parish MEP that I don’t think I would have got otherwise. It’s a terrible shame he never sent a reply from Malcolm Harbour.
- LugRadio Live Event Review – a review of one of the most populist UK free software events by one of their most vociferous critics (back before they went all Creative Commons warm and fuzzy) was always going to be popular, which is partly why I wrote it, but not the whole reason: I’m delighted that the event should return in the future. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty damn fantastic. “A tech conference crossed with a rocking gig by the strangest boyband ever, with a cheerleading racoon and some very cool people.”
- Good News on the Koha 3.0.0-final Approach – another surprisingly popular marginal comment. I’ve currently broken/desynched/something my local git tree. I’m going to repair it by New Year and then start writing up more Koha explorations and sending patches upstream.
- August
- SPI Meeting Announcement and Why People Don’t Join SPI – I think this summary is still relevant today and I hope that I can help improve things in 2009.
- Is Yahoo Now Even Worse On Spam? All of the big unpaid webmails have problems, but Yahoo (and so BT Internet) are worse than most.
More to follow in a couple of days…