Following suggestions by some other koha developers and with an increasing amount of silence from long-time koha community supporters liblime, we’ve called an IRC meeting next Tuesday.
We’re concerned that our community is currently not sustainable: the withdrawal of any vendor could seriously damage the project. Moving some of the core project resources to a foundation should ensure its continued stewardship.
From my own point of view, our co-op internally tries to keep its TruckNumber high and we’d like to use a foundation to make sure the Koha project TruckNumber stays high. There are several groups set up for the koha project and some that existed before: can any of them help to make Koha sustainable? Right now, I think TTLLP is the only Koha hoster which isn’t a private for-profit corporation. That seems a bit scary for a 10-year-old project. It’s time to fix this.
The agenda and information links are on the wiki. Hope to see everyone invoved in koha development there!
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