Maybe, like me, you’ve noticed that you’ve had less junk email this week and you’ve been wondering why. News sites are reporting that a large spammer-friendly hosting service in California has been disconnected by its service providers after they were sent evidence about its activities. (Check out the “Next” links on the report to see how the story develops.)
For the technically-minded, Changes in Spam Levels this week Posted by simonw illustrates the level of disruption and may grow an interesting discussion from server managers – it seems the reduction is less than the 75% reported in some news services, but still significant.
This is great news for all good internet users. It’s disappointing if the spam hosting service won’t have to pay any of the costs they’ve inflicted on other computer users in some way. The only practical negative that I’ve noticed so far is that much of the stopped spam was pretty easy to identify and filter out, so the reduction in spam reaching my “unsure” mailbox hasn’t been anything like 50%. Still, less spam hitting the filters means less computer power used, which means less electricity and network data transfer used, which means lower costs for us. Yippee!
And finally, I smiled at this comment over on the WebmasterWorld discussion:-
“Our spam email has dropped so much in the past 2 days that I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with our email accounts.”