Yesterday I phoned into The Phone Co-op AGM 2009 and heard the reports, most of which you can read in the PDF annual report from the AGM website. There were also various questions from members, which I scribbled down as follows:-
- What does ADSL mean?
- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Essentially, what we sell as broadband.
- How many day-equivalents of training did part-time employees get on average? (I think this was the question, but I got a bit lost.)
- Information not immediately available. ThePhoneCoop will research and reply later. The number of part-time employees is an asterisk footnote in the non-financial performance indicators.
- Where are the Phone Co-op’s investments?
- Most of the share capital is for investment in TPC, but surpluses arise for various reasons and are invested outside. Current locations include 40k in long-term investments, including 10k in the Co-operative Group, 20k in Westmill wind farm, 5k in a hydro power project; 60k is in the ICOF share account, 1.4m in the Co-operative Group, […I missed some. I was struggling to keep up. Some of this may be wrong anyway…] 486k in Midcounties Cooperative share account, 20k in Chelmsford Star; total of about 2.9m.
- Is ICOF deciding recipients of the sustainability fund or The Phone Co-op?
- The arrangement with ICOF is now ending for various reasons and now TPC will partner with Black Country Reinvestment Society. Don’t want to manage the fund directly because it’s not a core task for a phone company.
- The increase in turnover is described as mainly to existing customers. Has there been an increase in the number of customers?
- The Phone Co-op is recruiting 150-200pcm residential and 30 business customers, but losing a similar number. Have recruited new staff to try to improve this.
- Is share account interest being cut in line with banking interest?
- Just cut to 3%, but there has been a net inflow of investment. Current interest receipts from TPC cover it due to long-term investments, but they will mature, so the interest rate will be cut gradually to keep it sustainable.
- Purchase from other cooperatives is 11% and falling. What is being done to increase it?
- [I missed the answer to this.]
- What is happening about getting a new office?
- The Phone Co-op still has an option on a site in Chipping Norton, but no planning permission. An alternative commercial building which was being discussed with its owner was lost to housing (planning permission granted there!). There is a general lack of suitable sites available and things are happening cautiously in the current climate.
- If we’re trying to save paper, why did members receive two envelopes in the post for this AGM?
- The report was sent from Calverts directly, to save time, postage, staff and “report miles”
- Is the description of “non-white” in the performance indicators a problem for mixed white+non-white people?
- Will look into this.
- How many affinity schemes are there?
- There are currently 300 and they are being reviewed for the best way to work better with them.
- Are acquisitions likely?
- Expect the credit crisis to being opportunities. There are benefits from more traffic and so on. TPC has been contacting potential suppliers and intermediaries asking after other providers in difficulties.
- What is the deferred income shown in the financial statements?
- Pre-billed broadband and similar products.
- Is the investment in the Co-operative Group risky?
- TCG holds around 4bn in assets under and is one of the longest continuously-traded companies in the UK.
- Are ThePhoneCo-op’s 0845 numbers advantageous to TPC or the caller?
- Still yes for TPC, paying 1p/min at peak; probably not advantageous to caller these days.
- There are 15% sales to cooperatives shown. What’s the largest cooperative and what % of that is it?
- Shown in the annual report. [The numbers in report work out to about 15% of all sales I think. So, nearly all sales to cooperatives are sales to Midcounties?]
All errors and omissions in the above are mine.
I heard the allocation approved, then I had to leave before the special meeting and the presentations. If anyone has links to them or coverage, please leave me a comment. Other comments welcome, too.
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