I’ve been mouthing off about Ubuntu again, after the forthcoming release parties were advertised in some pretty inappropriate places, lamenting:
“Ubuntu has taken a voluntary-sector aim-for-100%-free distribution, built a private-sector free-and-non-free distribution and gets more love and free marketing from free software supporters than its parent, or than the whole-community events.”
However, I did surprise someone by ending with
“The silver lining is that most Ubuntu improvements are free software and are/can be contributed back to the free software world.”
That’s in part because Ubuntu finally made some progress on the Mailman colour mismash bug I tried to fix 5 years ago which is still unfixed in GNU as far as I know.
So I think that as long as much of Ubuntu is free software, its contributors will still be doing some good work. I hope a mailman bgcolor/CSS patch is taken by other distributions soon.
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